Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"The Waiting is the Hardest Part."

Greetings, and Happy New Year, loyal reader. The Nor'easter is in a bit of post-holiday limbo (the other kind) at the moment. The real New Year will begin on Innauguration Day, January 20th, as Christmas came early on November 4th. In the meantime, keep unwrapping those presents and planning those resolutions.

Speaking of presents, I got Chinese Democracy for Christmas, and it's rather enjoyable. It's somewhat overproduced, and no Slash means, really, no GN'R, but it's a good, hard rock album, and I'm going to keep exploring it.

Oh, and I saw Baby Mama, starring my girl Liz/Tina. Sure it was formulaic and predictable, but it was entertaining throughout. It had 3 classic lines, including one which made me and the wife cry in laughter for at least five minutes. Plus, it had two of the smartest dumb characters ever written. Thumb up.

Peace and Love,

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