Monday, December 22, 2008

XMAS OFF: Two Front Teeth vs A Red Rider BB Gun with a Compass in the Stock

This would be like the 1 seed against the number 16 in the March Madness of Christmas Gifts.

First of all, think of all the things you can do with a gun that you can't do with teeth. Shooting bottles, shooting someone's eye out... Well, I guess most of them involve shooting crap but that's pretty dope. A carbine action bb gun ranks up there with the greatest christmas gift of them all:

Crossfire! (Which is eternally from sometime in the future until we get our damn hover boards)

Why would you want those teeth anyway? To dig into a holiday ham? No, to "wish you Merry Christmas", specious reasoning at best. My only hope is that you are asking for two front teeth with the secret hope that your humbleness and holiday cheer will be grandly rewarded by the big man.

So the choice is yours, but choose wisely.

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