Monday, December 15, 2008

Johnny's Thoughts on Fantasy

I stopped participating in Fantasy Sports two years ago, as my former employer started cock-blocking Fantasy sites. The c-block pissed me off, and I missed Fantasy sports, as it was a main communication conduit between myself and a certain group of remote friends.

I was in a $20/each league for baseball and football. It was a fun distraction while it lasted. I competed to the best of my ability, but never got obsessed with it. Like the sports world itself, it was a generally pointless piece of candy that sparked conversation and got me through my work day.

I enjoyed the way Fantasy could hedge an otherwise disappointing Sox or Pats performance by my owning of the player who destroyed either team that day. Sometimes you got the best of both worlds. My Fantasy player could get four hits and 2 RBI off the Sox, and the Sox could win in real life.

Like any pleasure, Fantasy sports in moderation doesn't do much harm. It sounds like the Welker fan next to you had a bit too much mind space (or money) dedicated to the Fantasy.

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