Friday, December 5, 2008

Post-Red, Post-Race

Daedelus - Obama 2008
Daedelus - Obama 2008

Glad you enjoyed the episode, Johnny, and for your amusement, here's a fun fact:

I don't see in color...and I definitely don't see in black and white.

In fact, I make my way through this life (and my judgments of others) based mostly on echo location, some awkward pawing and occasionally taste. And I am legally bound to assume the judges on Throwdown with Bobby Flay do the least the taste part.

Could Bobby have taken more risk in this episode? Of course. Could he have steeped his cake in cabbage juice, could he have made a beet reduction mixture to color his cake? Yes, but don't be fooled, NOBODY wants a cake that tastes like cabbage, and Bobby truly wants to win. So using just a tablespoon of red food coloring (new school) and the chemical reaction between the red wine vinegar and the cocoa powder (old school), Bobby aimed for an organic red cake with a focus on flavor. This tactic created quite a contrast to his competitor's scorching fire engine cake, so what more do you want?

Let's not mince words, it would have been historically important had Raven won. If two white culinary experts could have possibly looked past race and judged the cakes on the predetermined criteria, it would have been monumental. But I just don't think this nation is ready for a black man to beat Bobby F'n Flay in a head to head showdown.

We must remember Tupac's epic song Changes:

We gotta make a change...
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we EAT, let's change the way we live
and let's change the way we treat each other...

The top priorty is the way we EAT! I think the judges decided that Cake Man couldn't shoulder that burden for a society obviously not ready for change. It's just basic rap mathematics.

I love this country...I think.

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