Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Great Dish Towel Experiment

As our loyal reader knows, earlier this year, I not only failed to properly multiply 6 times 4 (24, for the record), but I stopped using and buying paper towels. I'm here to report that my 24 white dish towels are doing the job very nicely, and are catching our regular laundry cycles in a timely fashion. I am yet to be without a clean, white dish towel to dry my hands or wipe a counter. While there are times when I and my wife miss a convenient paper towel, like this morning, following our dog's minor digestive incident, we seem to have alternatives handy: some extra take-out napkins, for example. So take it from me, a sanitation geek, you can save money without sacrificing cleanliness or wiping performance by switching from paper towels to a stock of twenty-four 12 x 12 inch dish towels.*

*Statement based on a household of 2 adults and 1 dog. Larger households may require a stock greater than 24 dish towels.

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